Urban governance is primarily concerned with the process through which government is organized and
delivered in towns and cities and the relationships between state agencies and civil society – a term that is used to include citizens, communities, private – sector actors, and voluntary organizations. Thus a focus on governance, therefore draws attention to those interests that have the power to make decisions about policy in cities and how processes of decision – making operate. Urban governance refers to how government (local, regional and national) and stakeholders decide how to plan, finance and manage urban areas.
Urban management is concerned with the policies, plans, programs and practices that seek to ensure
that population growth is matched by access to basic infrastructure, shelter, and employment. Urban
includes roads, housing, water supply and sewage, primary education and healthcare ; and planning and development control. The important scope of urban management include planning, implementation,
monitoring of urban infrastructures and serves as well as effective and efficient delivery of urban
services to raise the quality to living of people residing in urban areas.
SFI urban governance and management research is the systematic examination of the nature of
political, social and economic activities, processes, and outcomes at different spatial levels. It is a multi
– disciplinary field of study that provides in – depths understanding of cities, the process that gives rise
to them, and their social and environmental consequences.
Research Areas
UGM Unit Research Areas
Urban governance and management is a multidisciplinary field that examines the processes, structures, and policies involved in the administration of urban areas. This research area focuses on how cities are governed, the role of various stakeholders including government entities, private sectors, and civil society, and the impact of these interactions on urban development, sustainability, and quality of life for residents. Researchers in this field analyze issues such as urban planning, public policy, service delivery, community engagement, social equity, and environmental sustainability.
Participatory Governance
Urban Policy Analysis
Sustainable Urban Development
Smart Cities Initiatives
Social Equity in Urban settings
Technology in Governance
Public-Private Partnerships