Factors Responsible for Staff Turnover Intentions in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises
Staff turnover is an important issue in SMEs in Nigeria. Staff turnover refers to voluntary resignation from or involuntary loss of a job. Findings indicate that resolutions on staff turnover are usually based on subjective interpretation of a range of internal or external factors in the workplace. The internal factors include job satisfaction, organizational commitment and age, while the external factors usually comprise the social environment, educational experiences, family responsibilities, religious beliefs and changing work values. Increasing rate of staff turnover is a disturbing problem to employers in Nigeria, especially in the SME sub-sector mostly affected by both voluntary and involuntary turnover of labour as a result of the search for job satisfaction and higher wages fuelled by the get-rich-quick mentality of an average Nigerian youth. This development underscored this study which evaluated the factors responsible for staff turnover intentions and the on SMEs.
Keywords: Staff turnover, job satisfaction, SMES, Labour, Employers.