Effects of Covid-19 on Students both Educationally And Socially
The COVID 19 pandemic has affected the entire globe and also continues to alter people’s lives. It has also affected the day to day life’s activities which led to the slowdown of the global economy. Thousands of people are dying due to this pandemic disease.
The COVID 19 has affected the entire global economy, disrupted the world trade, private sector industries, tourism industry, slowed down the manufacturing of the essential goods, slowed down the government revenues due to poor cash inflow from the market.
Besides that, COVID 19 has affected other numerous sources of supplies which affects the global economy like the cancellation of cultural, religious and other events, restrictions of traveling from one place to the other. And also counties have decided to ban different gatherings as I have said above. For examples, last year in our country (Tanzania) the government decided to ban some activities which lead to social gatherings like wedding ceremonies and even schools and universities were closed.
And when it comes to education during this pandemic, education has been considered to be a critical and powerful essential tool for any country’s growth in different sectors. Due to this pandemic, most of the governments decided temporarily to close the educational institutions in an attempt to reduce the spread of this disease. The impact of the closure of the schools and universities went so far not only to students, families, and teachers but also to social and economic consequences.
The impacts of Closure of schools and universities due to COVID-19, were more severe in a negative way especially to children and their families by causing interrupted learning, childcare issues, and economic consequences like the cost to families who could not work, the issue of compromised nutrition were raised in some countries.
Also in response to schools and universities closure most of the countries recommended to use distance learning programs and other platforms that universities, schools and teachers can use to reach learner’s remotely and try to limit the disruption of education. For examples; most of the African countries after the closure of educational institutions especially universities they don’t have the online programs rather than distance learning except for the Nexus international university (Uganda) the case has been different because it is the first African online University in which students continued to undertake their programs and student from different countries continue to benefit from it and am amongst themselves.
So, online learning has been observed as a best way to conventional learning, so as to improve this system (e-learning) experience, the education institutions are required to comply with the guidelines and recommendation by the government agencies while students are encouraged to continue learning remotely within this period of the pandemic environment.